How to Have Romantic Sex with Your Beloved One


Sure, it’s great when sex is like a volcano that erupts with emotions and wild passion, but sometimes it lacks tender feelings. We all want a bit of romance from time to time. It’s the best cure for a relationship that makes you and your loved one closer and helps to find each other anew. It’s not that hard to figure out how to make sex romantic. All you need is to follow a few simple tips and learn a couple of moves.

The main trick is to add romance to your intimate life and spice it up at the same time, and we’ll show you how. Get ready for some brand new experience.

romantic sex

Why should sex be romantic, anyway?

There’s a peculiar tendency that has been going on in recent years – people are becoming more and more pragmatic. And the worst thing about this trait is that it affects not only career achievements and social life but also love, friendship, and of course, intimate relationships. For some reason, we just ceased to perceive sex as something beautiful, and romance has just disappeared from relationships. How did we manage to lose that sacred connection between sex and romance?

By distinguishing between romantic love and sex, we recognize their independence from each other. But while sweet, touching courtships and dates might lead to hot romantic sex and even become a start of something bigger, plain sex, deprived of tenderness and love, will most likely end with nothing but sex itself, though some relationships based on physical intimacy can also be pretty successful.

Complaining about the lack of romance in our days, few ladies actually find time to think if they deserve such a caring and respectful attitude at all. After all, simplified modern relations between men and women largely depend on sex even at the earliest stages of a relationship. So it’s not surprising that such easy access to female body kills any desire of both partners to be romantic, except the cases when there’s true love involved. Really, why waste precious time and effort on date ideas, gifts, and all that stuff when a girl has nothing against some intimacy right on the first date even if it’s far from romantic sex she dreams of.

But this doesn’t mean that all women have no aspiration for romance. The thing is that the romantic aspect of intimate relationships is now nothing but an annoying yet necessary addition to sex, foreplay that helps to get the desired result faster. That’s why ladies consider even the smallest signs of courtship and romantic interest as a bold attempt to conquer not a beautiful female soul but rather a sexy, seductive body. And they often treat men that show attention and care with suspicion and skepticism. But girls still want to be feminine and fragile and maybe even take men’s attention and courtships for granted sometimes. They want tenderness and serenades. They dream of a prince charming that would come and give them all his love. Your loved one still expects this kind of treatment from you no matter how long you’ve been together. Adding some romance to your sex life, you’ll show that your feelings for her haven’t faded, and she’s still worthy of your affection and love.

Making sex romantic: a few major tips

Let’s bring some intimacy to your bed. Here’s how to make sex romantic and take your relationship to a new level. We’ll start with major tips and gradually proceed to more practical tricks.

how to make sex more romanticDon’t treat sex rationally

First of all, don’t try to add romance to your sex life just because you think sex will solve some of your relationship problems or for other practical reasons. “How many times we’ve done it already?” “How bright your orgasm was?” Analyzing your intimate relationship with questions like these, you deprive yourself of the ability to feel an emotional connection. Sex as a sport is interesting only at a certain stage. True romantics focus solely on feelings and sensations.

Be frank about your feelings

It’s better to start introducing romance to your sex life with sincerely discussing how and what you feel. There’s no need to pick fancy words or worry that you’ll sound banal. As long as you speak from your heart, and you’re honest about your feelings, your special someone will be touched. Tell her how much she means to you and how your life changed after you met each other. This will help your partner tune into the right mood for passionate foreplay and slow romantic sex. For instance, you can try saying something like, “I used to feel so lost without you. But when we’re together, I finally feel like I found the place where I belong, and I’ll never get lost.”

Don’t be afraid to show your love in public

Flirt with each other in a shop, cafe, movie theater, and so on. You need to be loving and loved even when you’re not making love. You see, sex doesn’t begin and end only in your bedroom. That sweet anticipation of intimacy is even more arousing than the intimacy itself. Come up with your own language of love gestures. For instance, you take your loved one’s hand and stroke her little finger several times. Let this mean “I want you.” Or she touches your hair, and you understand that she’s waiting for a kiss. Such little secrets make you very close.

Take an active part in foreplay

If you haven’t been so active during foreplays until now, it’s high time to change that. If your foreplay is usually centered on you, try to switch roles to add some variety. Focusing all your attention on making your special someone feel good, you’ll get much more gratitude and attention from her in the long run. Here’s a little tip: the best form of foreplay for ladies is oral sex. It’s the best way to stimulate as many hot spots as possible. Let your partner put on some sexy underwear for you to take it off slowly as if you were unwrapping a Christmas present. Then proceed to sensual, romantic sex.

  • Her face is also an effective erogenous zone. Softly kiss and gently stroke her lips, cheeks, nose, and forehead with your fingers. Try doing it, putting maximum feelings in your touches. Imagine that your every kiss turns your partner even more. Make pauses and enjoy the process.
  • Tell how much you love her without words. Slightly touch her cheeks with eyelashes, close your eyes, and slowly blink. It tickles, but it’s pretty romantic.
  • Switch roles in bed. Here’s how to make sex romantic: let her take the lead first and do what she asks and vice versa. Don’t forget that sex is a two-player game, so learn not only how to enjoy the process but also how to please your partner.
  • Make each other a foot massage. First, gentle stimulation of spots on them makes you feel better. Second, a foot massage can be sexy and help you tune into the right mood. Grab some oils, and you’re all set.

Don’t limit yourself to standard techniques

Exploring some hidden spots and zones on a territory called “the body,” you’ll achieve even greater emotional connection. Just try and experiment. The reward for your courage will be trust and mutual understanding. Don’t be afraid that your partner will get a bit confused by your “explorations.” If both of you feel great, then there will be no suspicion that you have little experience. Anyway, the more you experiment and improvise, the more romantic your sex life will be.

Try games

How to make sex more romantic and exciting? Spice it up with sex games. This will work even better if you haven’t tried anything like that before. For example, take some nuts, cherries, or strawberries and put them on the most attractive spots of your body. There are a lot of things you can do with other foods as well. Or you can fulfill each other’s wishes. Today it's her turn to serve you coffee in bed, and tomorrow you’ll feed her with a spoon.

Create a romantic atmosphere

Make sure the atmosphere in your bedroom is appropriate for romantic, passionate sex. Don’t ignore such seemingly banal things like candles and music. This will make you feel right. Romantic music will set the tone of your evening, so pay special attention to it. If you want to make sex not only sensual but passionate, choose faster rhythms. Slow and calm songs will fit for a tender and long intercourse. It doesn’t have to be songs: relaxing music or even calming background sounds (like the sounds of wildlife, for instance) would work as well.

Buy some chocolate body paint

Chocolate body paint is an awesome way to become more romantic (and tastier) for your loved one. You can easily find such paint in any sex shop or online store. You can write anything you want on your partner’s body with it or even play games, using your skin and tongue. If you want, you can make some chocolate paint yourself.

Romantic sex positions

If you want to repeat the most romantic sex scenes from adult movies, here are a few positions that might work for you.

sensual sexBallet class

In this position, your partner is standing opposite to you. This makes it easier for you to stimulate her G-spot, but the fact that you’ll be holding her in your arms all the time will add some intimacy to sex. Let her lift one leg and wrap it around your hips and support her around the waist, pulling her closer to you. Try this position in the shower – warm streams of water will additionally stimulate the nerve endings.

Gift packing

This position is perfect for lovers loyal to each other, as it allows you to maintain visual and close physical contact during romantic sex in bed. In it, both partners lie on their sides, face to face, she wraps her legs around you, drawing you to her. She can use her feet to caress your buttocks and thighs.

Private dance

Despite the rather frank name, this position is very gentle and sensual, and besides, it gives you complete control over your penis and your loved one’s clitoris. Sit on a chair or the edge of a bed and let her sit on top and move up and down and in a circle. Caress her breasts, neck, and other erogenous zones.


In this position, you’re on top and take the same position as when pushing up from the floor. It allows your partner to look you in the face at the time of orgasm, kiss, and keep eye contact during the intercourse.


Let her lay on the left side, bend her right leg so that it is on the right side of your torso. Move slowly, combining the movements of the penis inside her and the fingers outside. The pace gives this position a romantic tone, so take your time and have fun.

Bottom line

For women, romance and sex are almost inseparable. That’s why they are the authors of almost all romantic sex stories. Men are different. It’s not that easy to understand. Some ladies wonder how men can just want the first girl they meet on the street. What about getting to know each other better? Most men prefer to move from romantic words to sex as fast as possible, and they rarely want to return back to romance after. But to make a relationship work, a couple must figure out how to have romantic sex. Sure, it takes some effort, but it’s worth it.

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