Why does your girlfriend hate your female friends?


Starting relationships is a beautiful moment! Everyone loves this adorable period of permanent attention, cute presents, sweets and flowers… Later on, you will have to face some down-to-earth facts. You both have to meet each other’s families, leave behind your bachelor habits, learn how to live together and so on. As well, both of you had obviously had lives before you met. Therefore, you have some friends for your partner to meet. A smart girl would response with no trouble and let you maintain the friendship as long as you want. However, you will never meet the girl that accepts your female friends easily. Why does it happen so? Let’s figure that out.


They see your lady friends as a threat. No matter how gorgeous your girlfriend is, she always sees other girls as a menace. Now imagine – she knows that you spend a lot of time with a certain girl (that had been in your life before you met your current lover), she is aware of some jokes and phrases that only two of you can understand etc. It drives her crazy! She is afraid that one day, this girl will reveal her secret feelings (which she certainly has!) and you will prefer your old friend to your girlfriend.

We cannot explain where girls find pieces of evidence of such situations but they do believe that there is no friendship between men and women – only love or cooperation. We are here not to over-persuade girls, to be honest – it is not possible either. It is important to admit that not only a man is a predator. Girls also hunt men and do not like to lose their prey.

How can you overcome this problem? Well, there are no simple solutions. We recommend you to speak to your partner and explain to her that there is no reason to worry. If it does not work – just do not demonstrate your friendship. She will get mad every time you mention it. Well, if your lover forces you to cease any relationships with other women, consider revising her mental health. Overly attached and jealous girls can make your life a living hell.

Talking about green-eyed monsters. Why is she so jealous? We would probably say that girls are assured that all men are cheating all the time. Pop-culture, television, movies – literally everything from time to time focuses its attention on the subject of affairs. Girls tend to believe it without any regrets or compunctions. They take it as the universal truth – men are cheaters. That is why they are so annoyed by your female friends. If you decided to cheat on your girlfriend, you would not even have to look for a woman – here she is, eagerly waiting to have sex with you! Girls, if you read this, please remember – this is NOT how it works.

How can you beat it? Well, there are two appropriate methods. On one hand, you need to demonstrate your admiration to your lover exclusively. You can even get too hard on that – girls love to be loved without restraint, even if they act like they do not. On the other hand, do not give her a single reason to doubt your faithfulness. Be frank; always tell her the honest truth. Women are much smarter than you think – she hears you lying (even if she does not want to admit it).

In the end, we would like to say that girls are always in competitive mode. It is not enough for her to be abstractly perfect, she must be the best among others. That is why she hates your female friends – it makes her work even harder to get your attention back. And no, you are not able to explain to your partner that you love her for who she is and there is no need to compare. She will hate (openly or surreptitiously) everyone who is even an ounce better than she is.

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