You know how to whistle don't you? Yes it is a famous line from a famous film, but I know how to act when I hear that whistle. I am a Guar for the Ukraine Women's Basketball Team, so I play to the whistle. I understand individual flair and the need to combine that with teamwork for success. I am competitive but not aggressive. Of course to succeed is in my nature, but also the ability to accept and play within the rules of any game is also in my character. On the court I am a sports woman. Off the court I am feminine. I enjoy music, restaurants, concerts, quite nights at home and some occasional visits to the cinema. I am studying at the moment If you like what you read, and hopefully what you see, then I hope that you do know how to whistle, don't you? You just put your lips together and blow. I know how to act when the whistle goes!
A man who is tender in the right atmosphere and powerful in others. In every team there needs to be reliability and trust so of course I look for a man who can be a foundation that will never be doubted or fall apart in times of stress. A man who can be funny without being stupid or going to extremes is a nice characteristic, especially if he has an awareness for how appropriate the circumstances are. I like a man who is not afraid to be tactile in public when he knows me well. If I am in a relationship then I see no reason to hide the fact, in marriage even more so. It would be a tragedy if my husband was embarrassed by being seen me!