Do you think that a simple girl with a pure heart is a heroine from a fairy tale? Are there really no such girls left in the real world? You know, although I'm not Cinderella, I always tried to stay pure no matter what. This is how my mother raised me. She is a real lady, a great housewife and an example of what an ideal wife should be. And what incredible dishes she cooks ... She taught me all these things!
Every day I try to be the best version of me. I am convinced that a good wife should be able to keep up a conversation, but also cook a delicious dinner and make her husband happy. If it seems to you that your vision of your future partner coincides with my description, write to me. Let's try to build a strong and happy relationship?
cooking , reading
I am convinced that words must be confirmed by actions. I am one of those people who do not make false promises and expect the same from my loved one. I'm looking for a man who is ready for a real meeting, not endless correspondence on the Internet. I will be happy to meet a man with serious intentions. For me, respect in relationships, a gentle attitude to each other, and care are important. For me, the financial situation of a man is not important, because I am not going to be furniture in his apartment. I can provide my needs on my own, I am not looking for a man with a fat wallet.
If my man insists on moving to another country, I do not consider this a problem. For me it is important WITH WHOM I am, not WHERE I am.