How to date ladies over 30


In the time of Leonardo da Vinci, a 30-year-old woman was considered to be already a matron and mother of the family, now women at the same age as the Mona Lisa look like a schoolgirl and can drive anyone crazy with her charming beauty. Who are they – ladies after 30?

The current attitude toward women dating in 30s has changed significantly. If the girl is not committed, it does not mean that she will remain an old maid. Now she is a young woman with a good dowry in the form of a decent job and a successful career, with the ability to take care of herself and to look great. And modern cosmetics and various procedures prolong a woman’s beautiful look of for many years.

How to date ladies over 30

Nowadays many girls after 25 decide that in order to feel happy and contented, they certainly need to become free, independent and free-standing. They sincerely believe that as soon as they get the desired freedom and independence from everyone and everything, all their desires will be immediately fulfilled and the problems will be solved. And the only way to freedom and happiness is to make a career and earn as much money as possible. What about love? Even if you are one of the most successful women in the country, you want to be loved and dating in your 30s.

A woman with a very successful career – how to date in your 30s?

Decide if you really like her.

Home is a woman's world, and the world is a man's house. Despite the changing of a woman’s role in the modern world, there are still strong stereotypes about the fact that women should deal exclusively with household issues and men with professional issues. However, nowadays, woman's need for self-realization, in material self-sufficiency has increased substantially, so they have to combine family and professional roles. Many young girls already do not want to limit their interests only to their home and family. They want to solve difficult tasks, implement new interesting projects and become a professional in the chosen field. All this takes time and effort, so the issue of creating a family is postponed. (Of course, Russian girls dating are more aimed at creating a family than Western girls. It is difficult to build relationships with a person who has other views on life.)

Such a woman can change her mind only if she is sure that a man has serious things and will be the same moral values with her. So, at the very beginning you need to decide for yourself what do you really want – to be friends, build relationships or just sex. Be honest. Of course, it's not a problem to be friends, and girls in 30’s appreciate friendship, but do you want to be just a friend? If you want a relationship, just turn on the romance and go on.

loving-young-coupleDon’t be scared by a strong woman.

Requirements to the woman are higher than to the man at selection for a leading position. The rule is that a woman should be twice as good as a man. It was revealed that female leaders differ from other women by dominance, emotional stability, desire for self-expression, social courage and insight. Often, in order not to receive a label of an ineffective worker, women must wear a "mask", i.e. try to hide their emotional and personal life. And she is lost, having felt that a man begins to show special interest to her.

Dating is hard at any age even if it is dating in your early 30s. That’s why the meeting with you should be like a holiday to the girl. A holiday is amazing, it is eagerly awaited, it passes quickly and is remembered for a long time. Do not delay your date until both of you are bored. It's the same with talking and walking. End the conversation at a time when you have already enjoyed the best emotional moment and it seems to you that it will continue in the same way. Do it carefully and tactfully. Let her wait for the continuation with impatience.

Pay compliments.

A woman with a successful career is often a public person, and has a huge number of meetings on work, so she usually tries to be on top and look her best. Modern successful business women are distinguished by a bright personality combined with femininity. If you be a lucky one and meet Russian ladies, you will pleasant surprise of their smart mind and charming appearance. Be attentive. When she has new hairstyle, makeup, or clothes – pay a compliment. She will definitely appreciate it. After all, she does all this just to be noticed. If you do not notice it, then someone else will do that instead of you. But, never pay a compliment for a record, a woman can easily feel it. A compliment should go from the heart. It's easy to do because you can always find something that you will really like, so don’t hesitate to do that.

Listen to your woman.

If a woman successfully organizes her working hours, then she can pay attention to her relatives. Women with a successful career cherish their families even more than other women since they spend much less time with them. They tend to make every effort to fill in the gaps in communication at the first opportunity. You don’t need to think about themes for your conversation, women naturally like to do it themselves, so it's enough just to listen to your girl. Support the conversation with additional questions, so that she reveals the topic and tells you more. The more you listen, the more interesting company you will seem to be. This is the paradox of human communication. Among other things a woman begins to trust you more and reveals her inner feelings during your talks. She can open herself only with a grateful and attentive listener. In the case with Russian women dating, they are as great listener themselves as a perfect company for discussion.

Be interesting.

Do you want to get to know all the truths about dating in your 30s? The truth is that a woman in her 30s knows exactly what she wants in her life and her partner as well. Such ladies differ in their education (because they often graduated from a high school), intellect, they have various impressions and their own opinions on many issues (they have managed to see the world, talked with various interesting people, got an idea of certain things). This makes them interesting interlocutors and good listeners. Plus, they have already met with men and know how to make relationships positive and bright. If you ever meet a Russian lady, you will be pleased with her wide range of interests. Develop yourself diversely, read books, magazines, watch Discovery. In general, this is the first thing you need to do for yourself. The wider your horizon, the more erudite and therefore more interesting you are for the interlocutor. A brain is one of the most sexual parts of the man.

You want to get some prepared tips for dating in 30s, that surely do and give you 100% guaranty of happy relations. But you surely know yourself how to start dating in your 30s, you have already started after the above article, haven’t you? Girls in their 30s are beautiful and smart, don’t be scared of them – you are a real hunter and conqueror. Let him free and enjoy!

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