There are different moments in life, both good and bad. When the moments are good, I smile and try to get full of them, as a cheerful and open person. When bad moments come, I also don't lose heart and go forward with my head held high. I am not afraid of change and accept every moment of fate as a gift. Now I ask fate, so that it would help me meet a worthy person here, whom I can love and open up to him like a rose bud. I am not looking for a holiday romance or a relationship for the week. I am looking for real feelings and sincere love!!
First I am looking for a partner, I mean life partner, someone who wouldn't leave me in a difficult moment. Also, I want my man to be my friend, so we could support each other and don't have any secrets between us. And of course my man should be my soulmate, so we could enjoy each other and give all of us both souls and bodies