How to Impress a Girl by Texting


Many say that dating on the Internet is a great way to save time and energy and get to know a girl sitting in a comfortable chair in front of the screen. However, everyone is silent about one simple fact: many men want to meet single female and write a lot of messages every day, so girls become too picky. And if we talk about dating sites, then this number can be safely multiplied by 10. If you want a girl to distinguish you from this crowd of fans, you need to know how to communicate with the girl on the Internet. Almost every guy can interest a girl he likes by text. The main thing in this matter is creativity and the ability to find the right words. So, how to impress a girl over text?

how to impress a girl on chat

Obvious Pros of Impressing a Girl Over Text

Nowadays dating on the Internet will not surprise anyone – a lot of women seeking men online and men want to find partners, using different sites. No one would call it weird or immoral. In 2019, people are always online, so it is quite normal that many of them start relationships with an ordinary, “Hello!”

You can chat with any girl you like

Texting is a great variant for those men who don’t know how to impress a woman, are not very talkative in real life, don’t like to go to the clubs, experience self-doubt in the circle of strangers, and are too shy. On the Internet, you can feel calm and start communicating in real life only when you feel that you are ready for this.

It is easy to make the first impression

On the Internet, a woman analyzes a man reading his profile: manner of presentation, openness, photos, etc. From our perception of information, online acquaintance gives us more time to perceive information. So, you can write many things to attract a girl. But the first good impression will promote further communication.

You can surprise a woman with your abilities

What to talk about when texting a girl? You can tell her about your interests. Maybe your preferences in music, cinema or art will interest her. Do you know how to draw? Great! This is a good occasion to show your abilities, and if she likes, she will be interested in this. Do you know how to make music? Record and send her it online. Do you like to take photos? Share colorful pictures. Do you like to travel? Tell her about the places you have visited. This is a great way of how to impress a girl.

You have the so-called preliminary communication

Online communication may help learn a lot about the personality of the future chosen one. This will allow you to find out if a woman has a sense of humor, a circle of her interests, erudition or a real level of education. Besides, correspondence gives time to think over questions and answers, and this, in turn, raises communication to a high intellectual level.

Some Difficulties of Texting a Girl to Impress Her

The development of the Internet has made the process of communication and finding a partner easier – before a real meeting, there is an opportunity to find out if a particular person is good for you. This is an undoubted advantage for modern people who are constantly experiencing a lack of time for visiting cinemas, cafes, and other places suitable for dating. At the same time, the number of couples who meet via the Internet is increasing annually. However, such a way of dating brings difficulties.

what to talk about when texting a girlYou don’t have enough information

Communication in the network is not able to give as much information about a person as communication in reality gives. People get most of the information through gestures, facial expressions, looks, and intonation. Real communication makes it possible to evaluate whether you are comfortable with a certain woman or whether she annoys with anything.

You fall in love with the image

You can fall in love with the image that your virtual friend has created. In fact, in a real meeting, she may seem to you not so smart, beautiful, and witty as it seemed to you when communicating on the Internet. For example, you may get acquainted with a sophisticated stylish brunette, and on a date, she turns out to be a blonde who is much older that she said.

Most of the courtship period is virtual

Courtship is an important part of any relationship. In the case when it passes quickly, the partners will not learn much about each other. There is no emotional uplift that people experience in a real acquaintance. On the Internet, you consciously deprive yourself of new emotions, unexpected and pleasant impressions, don’t feel the excitement or joy of meeting, and this seems so common for you that you forget how romantic your first meetings could be. The lack of naturalness and sensations is a big minus in this kind of dating.

It is difficult to share emotions in text

Chatting with a girl on the Internet is perhaps one of the most difficult types of communication in terms of sharing emotions. If you can change the tone of voice and facial expression in communication in real life, then in virtual reality, it is more difficult to convey what you feel. Most likely, you have already experienced this. For example, telling a girl a phrase and implying a joke under that phrase, you can see that the girl takes your words seriously or she doesn’t understand the meaning of your statement at all.

How to Start a Conversation Properly

How to impress a girl over text? Chatting with a girl on the Internet can sometimes be much easier than in real life, but there are also nuances. You need to know how to keep the girl in suspense so that she waits with interest what you can say next. You need to have a little talent and luck to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet and then continue it in person. Paying attention to a specific aspect, you will automatically focus her interest on you.

So, don’t start the communication with the banal phrase, “Hey, I want to get to know you!” It sounds trivial. The best option is to use some extra compliment. Write to her, “Hello, you’re sweet.” In this way, you indicate her appearance, and this is how to make a girl like you over text. Or there are other options. For example, write to her, “I accidentally found your page, you are pretty.” So, just choose the right starters.

The most important thing is that you have to be yourself. Don’t try to pretend someone else. In this case, you enjoy talking to the girl on the Internet and increase your chances of getting to know her in reality.

Impress her with your manners: something about texting etiquette

It’s worth getting acquainted with the Internet, but you need to do this observing the simple rules of human communication: respect the opinions of others, be polite, write readable messages, and show a sincere interest in your interlocutors. Online etiquette is somewhat different from what you are used to in person. Unfortunately, the culture of network communication is still very low. Most users believe that they can be rude and insult women if no one sees them. When you find a woman and immediately realize that you are not going to build a serious relationship with her, this doesn’t mean that you have the right to be rude to her, offend, or humiliate her. Online dating also implies certain etiquette, and you have to remember about this.

Of course, communication should begin with a greeting or with an original phrase. Show a girl that you are smart, educated, and polite. Don’t refuse women who sometimes make grammatical mistakes. But women who use cliches or authors of aggressive messages should be ignored or rejected if there is no desire to compete with them in wit. If you understand each other and it is interesting to both of you, then agree on a date and communicate further in real life. If not, then you can politely end this communication.

How to Really Impress a Girl Over Text

How to communicate with a girl so that she understands that you are special? Some rules will help attract the attention of a woman. And although each girl is unique, some things will appeal to any of them. So, how to impress a girl on chat?


Even if a woman doesn’t understand half of the jokes, she will always choose favor of the man who has an excellent sense of humor. Ladies consider such guys easy and laid-back. They like to communicate with them. Therefore, don’t be shy about comic situations. And don’t be afraid to look stupid. This is how to impress a girl by texting. Jokes help defuse the situation if the conversation with the lady gets a dead end. So, a man should always have funny stories for all occasions.

how to impress a girl by textingFind out what a lady likes

In this case, everything is pretty prosaic. Most men hate to take an interest in their personal lives or listen, in their opinion, to very boring stories about girlfriends, relatives, and pets. To charm a lady and make her fall in love with you, you must become the most attentive and sensitive person about her. If she is engaged in dancing, you must definitely ask her about all aspects of her hobby. In conversation, it is necessary to demonstrate admiration and say how interesting she is.

Intrigue her

Nobody obliges to tell every girl in which bank you have your savings and account number. But how to get a girl’s attention online then? You can tell your little secrets. It is simply obligatory at the beginning of relations. This will make you closer and make you better to know each other. Share a story from your childhood or describe a situation that happened to you this week. Then, try to play the game, the essence of which is to tell secrets to each other.

Support her

Even though many women today talk about how strong they are and achieve equality with men, it must be understood that each of them still sees a vulnerable and tender girl in the reflection of the mirror. The more courageous and strong-willed a woman looks externally, the more vulnerable she is inside. Therefore, you should always support her. If she fought with friends or work colleagues, it is necessary to listen to her and support her.

Don’t tell her too much information

Let her know that online communication is just diversity in your life. Describe how you spend your free time but focus more on your real life. Tell about your hobbies, interests, sports – this is the best way to impress a girl. Take care of the ease of communication. The best option on the path to gaining interest is to give the girl a moral break. Just send her messages without any semantic load there.

Don’t keep your communication on the Internet too long

In this case, there is a great risk of moving from the category of a potential boyfriend to a friend, with whom it is simply interesting to chat on the Internet. Therefore, when the girl shows mutual interest, you must immediately ask her to go out. She will feel that you like her. And this is one of the ways of how to make a girl want you over text. Just don’t turn chatting into a routine. Also, correspondence must be as truthful as possible because a woman should know how you look in reality. Maybe it’s worth sending a couple of voice messages so that she already knows your voice before a date.

Today, when virtual communication is accessible and relevant, it is much easier to interest a girl on the Internet. However, there are more and more self-confident men and the demands of beauties become higher. So, try to apply all these tips to impress a girl, and you will see that communication on the Internet is not only a fairly easy process but also pleasant leisure. This is what will make you stand out from the crowd and make her wait for your “online” status.

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