Air and live, wanderer, in whose eyes sparkle sparks dying sun ... A slight smile and thoughtfulness ... I know not only that beauty is sometimes difficult to see, but the fact that it is often simply do not notice. I do not believe in fairy tales, but I love to listen to them. I love to feel part of this world .and maybe we can become part of each other :)
I can always love and be loved. Madly and passionately in love, gentle, timid and bossy, be able to laugh through her tears And never give up ......
Very fond of leisure: camping holiday in the mountains, pictures, walks, trips to more. The rest with friends outdoors. Movies. Read a book, watch TV. But most of all I love to sing.
Believe in true love and the search for his woman, and not waste your time on trifles. Always ready to tie the knot and bear the burden of responsibility for the woman he loves and future children.