Page - 2 Relationship

  • 27.08.2019 Best Tinder Strategies for Guys Over 50
    Everyone is looking for a life companion with whom they can spend days and nights, who will become a friend, a partner and just a loved one. At the age of 18-20, a feeling of love arises quickly. But where and how to find a significant other when the first gray hair has appeared, and huge life experience has gained? Look at these Tinder tips for men.
  • 27.08.2019 What to Do if You Hate Your Wife
    Infidelity is considered to be one of the worst things a person can do to their romantic partner, and, while it can cause a lot of pain to a partner, an act of cheating is a reaction to a bad state of relationships, not just someone being an awful person that cannot be justified. What if you have found yourself in the same situation, what if you can’t stand your wife and you would like to continue your life with someone else?
  • 23.07.2019 Why Do Some Women Date Much Older Men?
    Nowadays, older men dating younger women are a subject of heightened public interest. People usually cast sidelong glances at such couples, rejoicing at a new topic for discussion. Everything is more or less clear with a man: who doesn't want to date a twenty-year-old beauty? But what is a woman driven by? Why does she need such a relationship?
  • 01.07.2019 Top Signs of Emotional Attraction
    Emotions are present at the birth of love. They contribute to securing the mutual desire of both partners for each other. Emotional attraction can be defined in lots of different ways.
  • 01.07.2019 Here's What Makes You Boyfriend Material
    What is boyfriend material? Boyfriend material is a way of saying that you are quite fitting to be a partner of a given woman. There are lots of different character traits that define the meaning of “boyfriend material,” and they mostly depend on a case-to-case basis.
  • 01.07.2019 How to Stop Self-Destructive Behavior in a Relationship
    Self-destructive behaviors are a human problem, but professionals don’t pay enough attention to it. This is probably due to the fact that most theories interpret self-destructive actions as symptoms of a deeper problem: addiction, depression, or personality disorder.
  • 05.06.2019 What Is Comprehensive Sex Education?
    As the history of sex education shows until recently, any talk about sex and sexuality has been taboo, although, of course, it always aroused great interest. Nevertheless, this topic even seemed something forbidden and dirty.
  • 05.06.2019 Courtship vs. Dating: What's the Difference?
    Our world and things we know about it are in constant movement. Stereotypes are constantly developing as well as the ways in which we approach social interactions and life in general. The same goes for dating and everything that has to do with it.
  • 04.06.2019 Getting Over Being Cheated On: A Guide for Men
    It is believed that treason is inherent only in men. And most often, it is justified by their natural polygamy. They say that if a man has cheated on his woman, then she is the last person who will know about it, and if a woman has cheated on her man, then he will never know about it at all. The reason is that the stronger sex is less observant and does not notice many nuances of female behavior.
  • 04.06.2019 How to Talk About Sex: Questions to Ask a Girl
    To ask a question about sex directly is to hammer another nail in the coffin of your marriage. It is like walking through a minefield: one wrong move (or in this case, a word) and it will all be over. Today we will discuss the topics like, “How to talk about sex,” “Sex topics to talk about” and “Why is it important to talk about sex?”
  • 04.06.2019 How to Talk About Sex with Your Partner
    Some are silent about their desires in the hope that their beloved ones will guess about everything themselves. Others give the partner detailed instructions that undermine their self-confidence. How to avoid these two extremes and come up with adequate sex questions to ask a girl or a boy you are in a relationship with?
  • 31.05.2019 Overcoming Barriers to Communication: General Advice
    First off, what are communication barriers? Barriers to communication are difficulties which are caused by natural, social and psychological factors that arise in the process of human interaction.
  • 27.05.2019 Turning a Friendship into a Relationship: a Complete Guide
    Psychologists have been arguing for centuries whether friendship between a man and a woman is possible. Everyone has their own answer to this question based on life experience. But practice shows that such a concept does not exist at all. Sooner or later, there is affection between friends of different sexes, it is just a matter of time. We are created for social contacts, relationships, and generation. This is our basic instinct. Therefore, turning a friendship into a relationship is much easier than it seems. Nature is in our favor. Let's find out about the importance of friendship in a relationship.
  • 24.03.2019 Signs of Sexual Tension Between a Man and a Woman
    What Is Sexual Tension? It is the desire for sexual contact with any given person. It has a lot of things in common with libido, but high libido is more of a permanent high state of sexual desire without regard to a particular person. Now that we know what it is, let’s find out how to deal with sexual tension and the signs of it.
  • 24.03.2019 How to Fix a Relationship After Lying
    No one is pleased to feel deceived. Lies spoil any relationship. It is especially insulting to realize that deception comes from a loved person. In this case, a lie is perceived as a betrayal, and it often becomes the cause of breakups. However, it is possible to fight with lies. So, how to behave and what to do when someone lies to you in a relationship?
  • 25.02.2019 How to Make a Profile Picture that Wins Hearts
    The description is seen after the main pic. Moreover, everything is on the site, and you don’t need to reinvent a bicycle. Today we are going to talk about how to make a profile picture and give you some tips. Using them, you will have no problems left while choosing good profile pics that show you from the best side and attract the attention of the opposite sex.
  • 20.02.2019 How to Be a Good Boyfriend for Dummies
    Men and women spend most of their lives on being attractive and interesting to the representatives of the opposite sex. How can a man be interesting to a woman? What do women value most in men?
  • 06.02.2019 I Am Afraid of Having Sex: Why Does It Happen?
    Am I afraid to have sex? I am afraid of sex! Is it normal? It depends on your age, your ethical and religious views. It is normal to be afraid of anything new. If you or your partner is a virgin, that’s alright, don’t be afraid of experiencing fear. A different thing that might concern you a little is when sex is not only unpleasant to you as a non-virgin, but it is also painful or frightening.
  • 06.02.2019 60 Sexy Messages for Her: Spice Things Up!
    Our overriding purpose is to show how sexy messages to her or him can change your relationship. Definitely, there are lots of other sex toys which are meant for this purpose but let’s start with such simple things as ordinary sexy text messages for her. We guarantee you’ll be completely surprised with the result.
  • 04.02.2019 What to Do If My Wife Is Afraid of Sex?
    Okay, almost everyone feels some trepidation and even fear in anticipation of the first intimate contact with a new partner. It is normal if you say, “I am afraid of having sex” in this case. But there is another, a more severe form of such fears, which makes people either completely abandon sexual relations or enter into them with great tension. And this is a fairly common situation. So, what is it and how to deal with it?